Café Connect is a programme that brings the whole community together.

It can be used as a tool to welcome new arrivals, introducing them to host community members and local knowledge, or can be a way of bringing the broader community together, accessible to all and providing a positive focus, which makes it easier for people to make friends and form informal networks of support. 

The programme also helps develop volunteers.

There are a range of opportunities to grow up new volunteers within it, including facilitation training, activity plans, and resources to support small group and whole group activities each session, and the flexibility to utilise the breadth of skills, interests, and talents individuals may wish to contribute.

Café Connect was funded 2022-24 by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to welcome Hong Kongers arriving on the British Nationals (Overseas) visa to the UK, helping them to settle in, improve conversational English, make friends and navigate the systems and culture.

It ran in 4 regions: London, West Midlands, East of England, and Yorkshire and the Humber

felt more connected to their communities
0 %
had more friends from different backgrounds
0 %
used or registered for a new service/facility
0 %
felt lonely less often
0 %

For commissioners

You can commission us to set up a number of Café Connect groups in a particular area.

For faith or community groups

You can purchase a license from us to run Café Connect sessions.

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Café Connect is a programme by FaithAction.